Живи, а то хуже будет
Депрессивное-2, но уже не обо мне. Нашла сегодня в фейсбуке комментарий-воспоминание Линды Майбардьюк об отношениях Эрика и Рудольфа. Ничего потрясающего нового нет, кроме, пожалуй, приведенных ею слов Рудольфа. И все это, конечно, лишь еще один взгляд со стороны: кто там на самом деле сильнее любил - не узнаешь никогда. Но все равно как-то все это очень печально.
It was a very complicated relationship and, over time, both would take blame for the end of their love affair. But, till the very end, there was the respect and a certain sadness that both felt that they had not been able to make it work. I would say that Rudolf loved Erik more than Erik loved Rudolf. Erik was jealous of Rudolf’s success and often tortured Rudolf with his comments. My husband and I witnessed those moments many, many times... sometimes even in our house in Toronto. Sometimes the comments could be very cruel.
Rudolf came to Toronto as Erik was dying. It was very hard for Rudolf. A few days after Rudolf left, Erik died. Rudolf told me on the phone, “ I would have given up everything and been Erik’s dresser, if he could have just loved me. “ Rudolf said that in a very vulnerable moment and revealed deep hurt and regret.
И черт уж знает почему, подсознание такое подсознание, но когда я все это прочитала, у меня в голове всплыло одно стихотворение Бродского и накрепко связалось с этой историей. Прихотливость ассоциаций, что с нею поделаешь.
То не Муза воды набирает в рот
It was a very complicated relationship and, over time, both would take blame for the end of their love affair. But, till the very end, there was the respect and a certain sadness that both felt that they had not been able to make it work. I would say that Rudolf loved Erik more than Erik loved Rudolf. Erik was jealous of Rudolf’s success and often tortured Rudolf with his comments. My husband and I witnessed those moments many, many times... sometimes even in our house in Toronto. Sometimes the comments could be very cruel.
Rudolf came to Toronto as Erik was dying. It was very hard for Rudolf. A few days after Rudolf left, Erik died. Rudolf told me on the phone, “ I would have given up everything and been Erik’s dresser, if he could have just loved me. “ Rudolf said that in a very vulnerable moment and revealed deep hurt and regret.
И черт уж знает почему, подсознание такое подсознание, но когда я все это прочитала, у меня в голове всплыло одно стихотворение Бродского и накрепко связалось с этой историей. Прихотливость ассоциаций, что с нею поделаешь.
То не Муза воды набирает в рот
Какое отношение это имеет к моему посту, я не понимаю.