Из мемуаров Джона Грюна: "...I found working with Bruhn a total and unadulterated pleasure wherever we found ourselves, even though, to my shock, I experienced twinges of jealousy when Bruhn would tell me things like, "Rudik and I traveled a lot together. We saw each other constantly. For several years, we took vacations together. We had some of the best times sailing the Greek Islands. Rudik was so curious, so interested in everything. Those were wonderful years. The fact is, we were inseparable."
Ревнуй, Джонни, ревнуй.
Фотография - честно отсканирована моими лилейными кривыми ручками. 1964 год, Рудольф и Эрик отдыхают на греческих островах. Превью, полный размер открывается по клику.