In fact, I was the artistic adviser to the National Ballet of Canada from April 1, having been appointed by the board of directors upon the late Erik Bruhn's recommendation. This title was taken away from me on Sept. 20 (in mid-season) by the associate directors. I was ordered to take a leave of absence as of March 1, 1987 (in mid-season). My future choreographic work, approved by Mr. Bruhn, was cancelled, and I was not being offered a full-time contract for the next season.
I don't think that anybody who devoted himself for 15 years to the National Ballet of Canada should be treated in such a manner and be expected to continue serving the company under such conditions. As a result, I have filed a suit for constructive dismissal against the National Ballet of Canada and the associate directors.
Constantin Patsalas
Перебирала еще свои "вырезки-выписки" из Toronto Star, нашла цитату из какой-то статьи - увы, без указания даты: The Bruhn years were also the Constantin Patsalas years. А в еще одной Globe-and-Mail'овской статье (от 29 октября 1987 года), которую, наверно, я еще выложу полностью попозже, нашла тоже прекрасное: Patsalas, as resident choreographer of the National Ballet of Canada was well known for ballets such as Canciones, L'ile Inconnue, Piano Concerto and Rite of Spring and as an intimate of the National's late great artistic director, Erik Bruhn. В общем, широко известен в узких кругах благодаря таким-то балетам и